Winter Wellness and Elderberry


Why elderberry? 

When we started Peace and Harmony Farm we found that all the elderberries we sourced were coming from Europe. Since we were growing medicinal herbs, this gave us a focus for our product line. We knew that elderberry grows wild here and there were few commercial growers. So off we went…….planting and buying elderberry varieties. Our first product was our elderberry syrup and is our most popular. And now it’s the buzz word… can find it everywhere! And that’s good! We take some form of elderberry every day as one of our tools to protect our health. (The shot glass in the photo is how we take it…..who knew they would take on a new purpose!)

Elderberry syrup is a natural way to support the immune system. Ours is made with dried elderberries, cinnamon, ginger, raw honey and filtered water. The berries have been valued throughout history for its antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. In syrup, their sweet fruity taste shines, making elderberry syrup a great remedy for kids. Elderberry syrup has been clinically shown to relieve symptoms and shorten the duration of influenza. It may also provide upper respiratory relief & reduce inflammation.


But don’t just take my word for it! We always encourage you to do your own research. Here’s some more info on the medicinal use of elderberry

Elderberries were listed in the CRC Handbook of Medicinal Herbs as early as 1985, and are listed in the 2000 Mosby’s Nursing Drug reference for colds, flu, yeast infections, nasal and chest congestion, and hay fever.

Elderberry is a European folk remedy typically used for supporting health during bouts of the cold and flu. However, there is evidence that the active ingredients in elderberry also support the sinuses by discouraging swelling of the mucous membranes. This benefit makes elderberry an excellent tool for supporting health while combating seasonal allergy symptoms. It naturally protects defenses by keeping bacteria in check, and it has also been used to deter sinusitis and nasal congestion.


-And in 2021, researchers are studying elderberry as an herbal remedy for Covid-19

East Kent researchers trial black elderberry liquid as a treatment for Covid-19

Published on 20 January 2021

Researchers at East Kent Hospitals are investigating whether a popular herbal remedy could be an effective treatment in the fight against Covid-19.

The team are the first in the country to trial the use of Sambucol Black Elderberry liquid – available in many health food shops - in patients who are being treated for coronavirus. 

They proposed the study after hearing about previous research which showed black elderberry fruit or extracts had antiviral properties against flu and a type of herpes. It has been adopted by the National Institute for Health Research.

Ms Jessica Evans, director of research and innovation at the Trust, said: “We are all very excited to have been given approval to start this trial, which could have huge implications for the treatment of coronavirus. 

“A previous study with flu patients showed people who took the extract had significant improvements in their symptoms within two days, compared to six days for those who did not.

“We will be testing whether there are similar effects in people in the community who have tested positive for Covid-19 and are experiencing symptoms, to see if the severity and length of time can be reduced.” 

The study began earlier this month and the team hopes to recruit more than 200 patients to the trial. They will either receive the black elderberry liquid or a placebo, and will then be monitored to see if there is any reduction in their symptoms.

-This is what I take to market to give folks a quick look at elderberry benefits!


Til next time……..stay well friends


Theresa Allen